Welcome to my new blog on DaveStork.nl!

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A new IT blog begining! I’ve taken a hiatus of about 2 years on blogging, you might have seen some from Dave Storks IMHO on dirteam.com. I focused more on LinkedIn with some short tips and comments, with #WeekITtip and during December with the #ITAdvent events. Recently I got more inspiration to try and restart my blogging but on my own site. The topics will still be on IT such as Exchange, Microsoft 365 and related stuff.

Consider this post the soft-launch of my blog site, I still need to do a lot of customization and configuration and things might change in the next few weeks. As for the posts on DirTeam.com, they will stay up there as reference. I considered moving them, but I think it’s best to keep them over there.

So, now let’s start blogging!
